IDOL STAGE (idol game android app)
Touch / Idle Game
Bring in a variety of artists to create your own entertainment agency!
- Idol Stage is a Touch / Idle game that casts artists with various personality, creates my own planning company, and cultivates artists.
★★ Meet artists with diverse personalities. ★★
- lease bring up artists who have various personalities and skills and nurture them.
- Through entertainment activities, Artists gain fans, ability values and skills grow, and appearance changes fashionably.
- Artists all have their own skills and they can receive bonuses for entertainment activities that are appropriate for skill.
- After you have casted several artists, you can collect the artists and form your own group to release the album.
- You can further grow your entertainment company with the money you earn from the activities of the artists.
- Please expect more artists to be updated.
★★ Re-contract and Promotion with Artist ★★
- When the artist is fully upbringed, you can renew the contract. When you sign a contract, the appearance changes nicely and the artist becomes more capable.
- You can promote your artist by wearing the costumes that the artist acquired through the referral and collecting all the costumes that the artist needs.
Idol Stage Free download, here!!!
아이돌 스테이지 - Google Play 앱
다양한 아티스트를 영입하여 자신만의 연예 기획사를 만들어 보세요! - 아이돌 스테이지는 다양한 개성을 가진 아티스트들을 영입해 나만의 기획사를 만들고 아티스트들을 육성하는 클릭 / 방치형 게임입니다. ★★ 다양한 개성을 가진 아티스트들을 만나보세요. ★★ - 다양한 개성과 특기를 가진 아티스트들을 영입해서 육성시켜 주세요. - 아티스트는 연예 활동을 통해 팬을 얻고 능력치와 스킬이 성장하며 외형도 멋지게변화합니다. - 아티스트들은 모두 각자의 특기를 가지
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